淵゛◆初画集 さんが紹介しているおすすめ本まとめ



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■初画集「そして花になる」→【https://t.co/hRhkP2fa56】 ■お仕事のご相談→✉buchi.qoo3@gmail.com ■pixiv→ https://t.co/9ZM1MnzD7u ■その他SNS、Skebや通販等POTOFU参照。

One day, when the world had lost its colors.
I set out on a journey to mourn myself.

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I struck a match and start with a cigarette.And then, I set my world, filled with sketchbooks, albums, and other memories, on fire.
“It would be nice if I could turn into ashes, fly through the air, and drift through the world.”
#そして花になる_淵゛作品集amazon.co.jp/... twitter.com/...

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The people coming and going within the city all seemed to have a fixed destination, moving forward without stopping whereas I had nowhere to go.
But I surprisingly don’t dislike places like this.

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